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Ronel Weiss

 US History

This course emphasizes significant individuals, issues, and events in United States history from 1877 to the present. It focuses on the political and economic growth of the nation as well as the many cultures within our society. Students study the emergence of the U.S. as a world power and how geography influenced historical developments. Course content utilizes primary and secondary sources to provide a comprehensive study of historical, economic, social, and political development of the U.S. and to determine the impact on the present and future state of the nation. Concept map topics include the following: West and the Gilded Age, Celebrate Freedom Week, Progressive Era, Rise of World Powers, Transition to Modern America, The Great Depression and New Deal, America Reacts to World at War, World War II, Onset of Cold War, Civil Rights Movement, New frontiers and familiar Enemies, 1970-1990, 1990-Present, and, Ever Changing America.  Because students will take EOC in the spring, course curriculum will include TEKS and skill building activites based on higher level thinking.


Goals of this Course:  The main goals of this course is to help student to develop an understanding of the major events, personalities, and trends in American History and the relationships between them. To help develop communication, organization, and thinking skills that will be valuable not only in college, but throughout adult life.    


Academic Expectations:  Students enrolled in US History at Paris High School are expected to follow the class rules, to complete assigned homework on time, and to complete each major test with at least a grade of 70.  Time is given in class frequently to work on assignments and tutorials are available each morning.    


Class Rules:  It is expected that every student taking this course is familiar with the District discipline policy and is willing to abide by that policy.  In addition each student is expected to: 1.  Show courtesy and respect to everyone in this classroom.  2.  Be in class on time with all materials available and ready to work.  3.  Respect school property 



Notes:  Take good, complete notes.  I reserve the right to grade your notes at any time, or to give a pop quiz over the notes.  This is to ensure that you are paying attention and taking notes.


Homework:  It is vital that you complete the work assigned in class.  Keep your homework in a separate section in your notebook, even after it is graded.  This will ensure that your grades are recorded accurately in the computer and that you receive credit for all work you have attempted.


Tests:  There will be approximately five to six major tests each nine weeks.  No test grade will be dropped and corrections may be made on any test on which you make below a 70.  Cheating on a test will result in a zero.


Make-up Work:  It is the responsibility of the student to obtain all work missed due to an absence. The student will have the amount of days they were absent plus one to turn in any missed assignment or to schedule a missed test. Any work not turned in within this time will receive a grade of zero.


Absence Due to an "E" Day:  If a student has an "E" day, then the student should ask for any work that will be missed before the absence. All work is then due on the day of the return. Any work due on the day of an “E” day is due that day.  It will be counted late if not received before you leave. If a student has an "E" day on the day before a scheduled test, then the student will be expected to take the test upon his return on that scheduled day.


Grading:  Grades will be collected from Class Assignments, Homework, Quizzes, Tests, and Activities/Projects.  Grades will be weighted according to the district grading policy outlined in the District Handbook.


Academic Dishonesty:  Student violations involving academic dishonesty are handled by the faculty members(s) involved.  Should the students object to the decision of the faculty member(s), the appeals procedures for instructional due process may be utilized.  The following list describes the most common forms of academic dishonesty (cheating):  1. Taking an exam for another student.  2. Having another student take an exam for you.  3. Altering or forging an official school document.  4. Paying someone to write a paper to submit as your own work.  5. Arranging with other students to give or receive answers by use of signals.  6. Arranging to sit next to someone who will let you copy on an exam.  7. Copying from someone’s exam/homework without the student’s knowledge.  8. Writing a paper for another student.  9. Allowing another student to copy from you during an exam.  10. Copying answers from a source without doing work independently.  11. Getting questions or answers from someone who has already taken the same exam.  12. Copying a few sentences without footnoting in a paper.  13. Working on homework with other students when the instructor does not allow it.  14. “Padding” items on a bibliography.










Contact Ronel Weiss

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