Trash bag Fundraiser
See any junior or come to the high school to buy a roll of heavy duty trash bags to help support the PHS Junior class. Trash bags are in stock now.
College Day Peprally
The PHS Senior College & Career Day pep rally will be during advisory on Thursday, May 8, 2025. Mark your calendars now. Thanks!
PHS End of the Year Awards Assembly
To celebrate the successes of our PHS students, the end of the year awards assembly will be Thursday, May 8th at 9:00 AM in Wildcat Gym. Save the date!
Trash bag Fundraiser
See any junior or come to the high school to buy a roll of heavy duty trash bags to help support the PHS Junior class. Trash bags are in stock now.
College Day Peprally
The PHS Senior College & Career Day pep rally will be during advisory on Thursday, May 8, 2025. Mark your calendars now. Thanks!