♦ Varsity and Junior Varsity cheerleading is an all-female spirit organization for Paris High School. Participants go through cheer tryouts in the spring semester with outside of the district judges. Grades and Discipline are also part of the criteria when becoming a PHS Cheerleader.
PHS Cheerleaders purpose for not only Paris High but for the PISD District is to support our athletic activities by promoting school spirit among the younger PISD students and the fans in the stands. Cheerleaders promote good sportsmanship, good citizenship, and wholesome and enthusiastic school spirit. Both Varsity and JV squads exemplify both individual and group behavior suitable to their positions and in accordance with the rules as stated in the PISD Student Code of Conduct.
♦ Cat Gut is an all-male spirit organization established in 1972. Participants must go through an interview process.
The purpose of Cat Gut is to support the curricular and extracurricular activities of Paris High School by promoting school spirit. Cat Gut exists to promote good sportsmanship, good citizenship, and wholesome and enthusiastic school spirit. Cat Gut members should exemplify both individual and group behavior suitable to their positions and in accordance with the rules as stated in the PISD Student Code of Conduct.
Cat Gut participates in pep rallies, at the varsity football games, homecoming, and many other school activities.
Ms. Hannah Moran serves as sponsor for both Cheerleading and Cat Gut. Co-cheerleading sponsor is Ms. Melissa Smith.