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Digital Art/Animation Lesson Plans

Course Description

This course will introduce students to the principles of art and animation and apply those toward creating origiinal pieces.

Week 1 Digital Art/Animation
Obj "We will ..." Review syllabus and course introduction
Task "I will ..." Contribute to setting class values, WYR posters, nameplates
Obj Discuss class procedures and expectations
Task Participate in breakout challenge
Week 2  
Obj Evaluate the role of creativity
Task Define creativity and rate ability and create a class manifesto
Obj Investigate the science of creativity
Task Participate in creativity-building exercises and discuss other 21st Century skills
Obj Present Creativity Takes Courage and Design Thinking
Task Compare Digital Art to Graphic Design
Obj Identify where creativity comes from. What is inspiration?
Task Hold On/Let Go creativity exercise
Obj Connect creativity to brain activity
Task Conduct right/left brain survey
Week 3  
Obj Identify interests and characteristics of personality that are right/left brain
Task Create a right/left brain drawing
Obj Introduce the Elements of Art
Task Demonstrate how to use the Choice Board for selecting Elements of Arts assignments
Obj Review Elements of Art
Task Select solo project from Choice Board and view Classroom requirements and resources
Obj Review Elements of Art
Task Select partner project from Choice Board
Obj Review Elements of Art
Task Discuss and select team projects
Week 4  
Obj No School
Obj Review Elements of Art
Task Make a plan for the team project
Obj Test on Elements of Art
Task Begin team project
Obj Work on team project
Task Assess progress on team project
Obj Work on team project
Task Complete Elements of Art team project
Week 5  
Obj Explore characteristics of digital art
Task Study the history of digital art
Obj Investigate trends in digital art and commercial uses
Task Introduce Photoshop
Obj Practice digital art techniques in Photoshop
Task Explore brushes
Obj Practice digital art techniques in Photoshop
Task Explore drawing and shape tools
Obj Practice digital art techniques in Photoshop
Task Make a one-line art illustration
Week 6  
Obj Introduce color theory
Task Prepare a color wheel and identify key terms
Obj Identify color themes in art
Task Collect examples of analogous, complementary and triadic color combinations, warm/cool colors
Obj Identify color moods in digital art
Task Create a mood board swatches using Photoshop brushes
Obj Learn to use Adobe color site to select colors for pop art project
Task Make a photo iinto pop art with complementary colors
Obj Color theory test
Task Finish pop art project
Week 7  
Obj Use Photoshop to create digital art
Task Preview choice assignments and resources
Obj Use Photoshop to create digital art
Task Plan/sketch and collect brushes/graphics for digital art project
Obj Use Photoshop to create digital art
Task Work on digital art project
Obj Use Photoshop to create digital art
Task Work on digital art project
Obj Reflect and critique digital art project
Task Submit digital art project
Week 8  
Obj Discuss meaning of visual literacy and point of view when creating artistic pieces
Task Formulate ideas for personal style and voice
Obj Introduce digital notebook and artistic reflection strategies
Task Design cover for notebook
Obj Determine how critical thinking intersects with creativity
Task Set up notebook table of contents and reflect on technology's influence in art
Obj Present meaning and development of mandalas
Task Color a mandala
Obj Demonstrate art tangling techniques
Task Create a square of a tangling design
Week 9  
Obj Relate shapes and symbols to cultural/spiritual/literary meanings
Task Select shapes and record notes in design notebook
Obj Examine technical aspects of making a mandala
Task Determine best tools for use in Photoshop to create a mandala
Obj Create a draft of a mandala section using shapes and brushes
Task Describe the meaning of features in the mandala project and select color theme
Obj Demonstrate techniques in Photoshop to create a mandala
Task Use Photoshop tools to design a mandala
Obj Demonstrate techniques in Photoshop to create a mandala
Task Use Photoshop tools to design a mandala